Friday, 8 May 2015

The Awakening - Rising Above the Waters of Unconsciouness

Walking on Water

A few years ago I was meditating on the life of Jesus Christ and in particular upon the narrative that is told in the gospels where Jesus walked on water. The story is recorded in
several places in the Bible (John 6: 16 - 21; Mark 6: 45- 52 and Matthew 14:22-33) but I particularly like the accounts in Mark and Matthew which allude to Jesus wanting to spend some time alone and so therefore sending the disciples on ahead of him in a boat. When he was finished with his alone time, he simply stepped out onto the waters and approached the boat which was, by now, some distance from land.

Image courtesy:

While meditating, I started praying and asking God for faith to walk on water. I was very sincere in this request and I would even visualize myself walking on water. I repeated this meditation for a while and then I forgot about it.
From time to time I would have some pretty extraordinary dreams complete with full 'sensory' perceptions. Two pretty recurrent themes for me are flying and water.
One dream that made a significant impression on me included me walking around the bottom of a pool. I eventually started rising up above the surface of the water and when I looked to my right, within the dream, I saw a woman looking remarkably like me but yet she was more captivating than me. I got the distinct impression that she was me or at least represented my Higher Self - the perfect version of me. Her hair was long and flowing (there is nothing wrong with short hair but for some reason hair length is a symbol which reoccurs in some of my dreams -even up to last night), and her skin was a beautiful dark brown complexion - much darker than mine (I am of African decent). She was wearing a long flowing pure white garment that contrasted beautifully against her skin and it billowed out from her as though she was being carried by the wind itself. Her eyes were a magnetic coal black and carried a depth to them which said that she fully knew who she was and her authority. She was standing at the top of a stair case and she was actually under attack although the calm demeanour of her face did not convey any sort of despair. She had a large spear in her hand and she was deftly keeping the 'enemies' at bay so that they could not draw close to her. Despite being outnumbered, she was clearly victorious. She then started floating down the stairs and I believe she was coming to meet me but the dream ended.
Then at the start of August 2014 I had another water dream but this time I was in a large cruise liner that was completely submerged in the ocean. Everyone, including me, were breathing fine and it was if no one really suspected that being under water was in itself abnormal. Then I started to rise up above the waters and when I looked around, at first all I could see was the large expanse of ocean reaching out to the horizon. Then I noticed a few other people who were at the surface and they were playing and laughing and I wondered what they were doing up here and why everyone else was submerged.

Water A Symbol of Spirit that has Become Unconscious...

 "Water is the commonest symbol for the unconscious." - C. G. Jung
 I found myself thinking about these two dreams this morning when it occurred to me that the water in both dreams represented unconsciousness or the state of unconsciousness and that rising up above the waters represented becoming awake. I know I am going through an awakening and this was shown to me in several ways but I wanted to know if anyone else made this link between water and unconsciousness. So I came online and found the Carl Jung quote above.
Carl Jung is a noted psychotherapist and psychiatrist who lived from 1875 to 1961 and whose work is widely held to be the foundation of what we call analytical psychology today. He was a prolific writer whose work delved deeply into philosophy, literature and religious studies. Apparently Jung had done a lot of research in ancient texts on the symbolism of water and deduced that it represented the unconscious.
According to this website called Scientific Dream Interpretation, which expands on the Jungian concept, the 'spirit becomes water when the dreamer doesn't believe in the spiritual life'. That is to say that lack of awareness of the spirituality of life makes the spirit more dense. The site also explains that a large quantity of water means lack of faith and belief only in materialism and shows that the dreamer doubts the existence of another dimension.

(Funny thing is that recently I also found myself thinking of the flood. could the great deluge actually represent the time when we first began forgetting who we were....)
'Be careful what you wish for...'
Coincidentally, not too long after my dream in August 2014, my life literally shattered around me. My views and perceptions of my life and spirituality were toppled over as I dealt with what I could only call the unconscious emotional abuse of one who I had loved dearly. In fact, upon realising how unconscious this individual actually was and had always been, I started to realise that I too had also been unconscious for a long time. Unconscious people are not inherently evil. In fact our true nature is love and light. Living in the delusion of Maya makes us succumb to evil but as we begin to awaken, we are often drawn to vibrate on higher frequency thoughts and ways of living. 
What I used to call a good life was nothing more than a poor excuse of an existence within which I dealt with personal unhappiness and dissatisfaction in every area of my life. Furthermore I actually thought that existing like this was normal.

I was happy in dysfunction.
The decisions that I came to in the following months caused people to question not only my sanity but my spirituality and in all fairness to them, for the person that I had been all along, my behaviour was now shocking at best. To many it appears as though I am dismantling my life but for me, it feels like I am recreating my life and that I am now doing so consciously.
I am now beginning to walk on water.
On that morning in August 2014, when I arose I immediately felt drawn to this beautiful song from the Australian music band, Hillsong United and it is a song that I have repeatedly find myself drawn or led to. I believe the author of this song was inspired and I do hope that it inspires you.
Love, Light and Blessings
Elizabeth Energy

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