You may not always feel this way or even act this way but it does not change the fact that you are children of the Most High GOD - the ONE who transcends all.
"I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the Most High GOD." - Psalm 82:16, KJVAnd it is true - the apple does not fall far from the tree. We may forget who we are and act out of ignorance but it does not take much for you to get in touch with your true nature.
Getting In Touch
1. Spend time in Nature -
"Looking at beauty in the world, is the first step of purifying the mind." - Amit Ray, Meditation: Insights and Inspirations
Get outdoors and appreciate the beauty of a tree or the organized effectiveness of an ant colony. See the beauty and magnificence of GOD in nature and you begin to appreciate this beauty and magnificence in yourself.
2. Sit Quietly and Breathe - Learn to shut out external influences. Take off the TV, the tablet and your cell phone. Sit quietly and pay attention to your breath - it's the one thing that connects you to your body and by paying attention to it you begin to appreciate that the real 'you' is not your body. You somehow begin to appreciate that your body is nothing more than a cloak that you are wearing in this life.
To truly master the art of divine breathing, spend some time observing the way babies and toddlers breathe. They breathe into their bellies and if you watch them closely especially while they sleep, you will see this.
3. Be Thankful - Expressing gratitude to something bigger than yourself shows that you acknowledge the existence of Divine Source. Acknowledging a Divine Source of all life, starts opening you up to accepting that you came from this Divine Source and therefore must be divine as well! The more you look for things to be thankful about, the more they manifest and this in turn reinforces your connection with the Divine.
4. Spend Time Loving Your Body - Gently lotion your body after a bath and just revel in the beautiful sensations of your hands on your body and how beautiful your body is. If you get a little turned on - who cares? You are alive - you were given a body so that you could enjoy sensation. Let those beautiful sensations wash over you and the power of this - is that you don't need to be thinking of anyone in particular.
In fact, to make this a really sacred experience, hold onto thoughts of love and good during this sensual experience for therein is a powerful little secret of how we can manifest by harnessing the beauty of sexual energy - and no, I am no advocate for group orgies or any such perverted folly. And any guru trading enlightenment for sex is a fraud! Your body is sacred.
7. Listen to Music & Dance - Music speaks to the soul and that is why so many people resonate so powerfully with this form of expression. Dancing helps you to appreciate your body and your own uniqueness because the way you move and jiggle is all your own.
Spend time gazing up at the sky and know that there is some greater purpose to life on earth for are told in Psalm 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of GOD..."
"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." - Albert Einstein

As you inhale, consciously send your breath into your tummy and you would find that as you relax into the practice, that the breath actually fills both your tummy and your chest because the breath sent into the tummy actually rises and fills the chest cavity as well.
When you exhale, pull your tummy towards your spine, forcing the air slowly out of your nostrils.
This is what I call the Love Breath and this is actually how you breath into your Heart Chakra. However in a specific heart chakra meditation you also employ visualizations such as seeing a sphere of light emanating from your heart and encompassing your body. Even without the visualization though, you can still turn this act of breathing into a powerful meditation by entertaining thoughts of loved ones or pleasant experiences while you breathe quietly.
"There is one way of breathing that is shameful and constricted. Then there's another way: a breath of love that takes you all the way to infinity." - Rumi

"Let us be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little. And if we didn't learnt a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so let us all be thankful." - BuddhaThere is always something to be thankful about.

There is great beauty and mutual benefit in the sexual union that may be experienced in a loving and committed relationship but here I am simply dealing with being able to enjoy your own wonderful body.
"Know you not that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, which is in you..." 1 Cor 6:19-205. Operate from Love or Above - Certain temperaments have certain frequencies attached to them. Love, Joy, Gratitude and Peace have the highest vibrating frequencies. Choosing love does not mean that you have to walk around smiling and saying 'Namaste' to everyone! (- although it does not hurt to smile as I'll explain below).
It means that when someone hurts you, you choose to see that they are operating from the best knowledge they have of themselves and you too have a choice in how you respond, to act from the best knowledge you have of yourself.
When you start filtering your decisions through the screen of love, you actually empower yourself. So for example, you have been repeatedly betrayed by someone and you can't trust them. Highest love will allow you to forgive this individual and even wish them well while yet firmly walking away from their toxicity. You never know, your decision to first love yourself and then love them in such a pure manner may just be one of the interactions that their soul needs along its own path of evolution.
6. Smile A Lot - The gift of a smile can just brighten someone's day when they need it. It generates positive feelings within yourself and is a great way to give good energy to others in a manner that will not deplete your own energy. Truth be told - if you do the techniques already discussed above, you would find that you naturally begin to smile a lot more! It's an outward expression of what is happening within.
You can actually use smiling to raise your internal vibrations. Well, smiling combined with a couple of the techniques actually. This is one of the ways that you can 'hack' your consciousness!
Turning Around Your Feelings With Conscious Love Breathing, Gratitude and Smiling
Try this the next time you are feeling low -
- close your eyes
- take a couple love breaths
- find something to be grateful about and
- smile with your eyes still closed.
Even if the smile feels fake at first, you may find yourself laughing at yourself for faking it! Then the real smile comes and just bathes you in its genuine warmth.
I absolutely love this photograph. I love the natural, no make-up look of the model and the way the sun just seems to be smiling on her beautiful smiling face. Can't you see her inner goddess? This lovely photograph is courtesy and the artist's bio on her blog says that she just wants to bring a little more joy to the world. Isn't that awesome?
7. Listen to Music & Dance - Music speaks to the soul and that is why so many people resonate so powerfully with this form of expression. Dancing helps you to appreciate your body and your own uniqueness because the way you move and jiggle is all your own.
Even if someone tries to mimic you, they can never get into your head to know what inspired you to move your hands or waist in the way you did. In fact, chances are you may not even know because it came from a place deep within.
That is the power of the Sacred Feminine.
If you can really embrace this, you will discover that dancing is also a powerful form of meditation. You only really, truly dance when you reach the point of letting go and just going with the flow. Even professional dancers will tell you, their best performances happen when they lose themselves to the music and trust their months of training to be so firmly rooted in them that they don't need to think about where they place their feet!
These techniques are simple but effective. I really wrote this from a place of love and I hope you feel it.
Give yourself a challenge of practising these techniques little by little until they become a part of you. Even if it feels unnatural at first - I know a lot of people struggle with the whole smiling thing - just gently remind yourself that society spent a lot of time and resources trying to ensure that you forget who you truly are. You can't counteract the work of years in one day!
Love, Light and Blessings
These techniques are simple but effective. I really wrote this from a place of love and I hope you feel it.
Give yourself a challenge of practising these techniques little by little until they become a part of you. Even if it feels unnatural at first - I know a lot of people struggle with the whole smiling thing - just gently remind yourself that society spent a lot of time and resources trying to ensure that you forget who you truly are. You can't counteract the work of years in one day!
Keep at it. You deserve to meet your true Self. Your persistence will pay off.
Love, Light and Blessings
Elizabeth Energy
Thank you for these wonderful articles, dear Elizabeth. May they contribute to all Women finding their true inner Self; and moreover, may they contribute to the rise of The Divine Feminine and Divine Feminine Supremacy and World Governance for the good of all and to save & heal Mother Earth. Divine Feminine Blessings to You.