Sunday, 10 May 2015

How to Call on the Sacred Feminine

Today is Mother's Day in the year 2015. I got up this morning and wrote in my journal. I had a beautiful day yesterday. It was a day kissed by GOD.
It was a perfect day and yet I was alone this morning...but not lonely.  I woke early and spent some time in quiet meditation and then I went back to sleep but not before requesting communication with the Sacred Feminine.

While I slept I was blessed to receive inspiration and clear guidance on how to proceed with a challenging situation. Indeed the message has not changed - I am to stay the course of love. I was instructed some time back to release something (that I still very much want) and now it seems that I am to further confirm this action by pursuing a course that will put me in direct opposition to the very thing that I still very much want!

It may seem that pursuing spirituality calls you to deny yourself but as you vibrate higher, you recognize that there is nothing to be desired. It is already yours for the taking. Trust, however is required of us as we approach this understanding so that it moves from being a truth you only acknowledge in a theoretical sense to being a truth that you know from experience.

Image Courtesy:

The Sacred Feminine resides in all of mankind - man or woman. Anyone can call on the Sacred Feminine which is the feminine aspect of God. In fact many people feel more comfortable approaching the feminine aspect of God because they were culturally introduced to the Goddess or because they simply feel more comfortable calling on Mother as opposed to Father.
In the truest, most absolute sense - GOD does not really care. GOD is neither male nor female. GOD embodies all.

Steps I Use to Call on the Sacred Feminine

Please note that these are not hard set. You can devise your own means but I do recommend using some sort of yoga goddess pose (there are many) as GOD has created sacred geometry and many forms have deep spiritual significance that transcends the normal physical level of understanding.

  1. Firstly acknowledge that you only desire to communicate with 100% Divine Light and that only 100% Divine Light is to enter your fields and personal space.[Serious NOTE: Try to release your fears, if you have them, before entering this meditation or any other meditation. It is too easy for your fears to surface and manifest and give you a terrible scare. They do this so that you can know to release them. Fear nothing. LOVE is the only truth but we live in Maya - the great illusion which is the true Devil of mankind. Evil comes out of Maya but to those who live and walk in the Light, no harm can come to you.
     Yet in all things exercise wisdom. A foolish man once said that he wished to prove that our reality was an illusion and so he threw himself off a cliff and died. Of course GOD could have saved him but this man operated from his ego and not true Light. So to sum up this serious note - yes evil exists but as we grow in Love and Light, we realize that it can be transcended.]
  2. Express your desire to communicate with the Sacred Feminine. Mother GOD can and does communicate  with us at any time but when you make a specific request, you are telling your ego and conscious mind which operates from the left brain that you wish for this communication to happen. The intention opens the door between the left and right brain for the Divine Feminine sits and operates from the right brain.
  3. Assume the goddess pose or if you feel more comfortable, you may kneel or simply lie down comfortable. If you don't feel comfortable using a particular pose then skip the next step. For those who feel comfortable using the goddess pose, you may want to support your knees with cushions to prevent undue strain if you are not sufficiently flexible.
    Image Courtesy:

  4. For those who will use the goddess pose, you may then place your two hands on your womb, palms facing down. Allow the two fore fingers and two thumbs to touch each other making a triangular space in between the  palms
  5. Breathe deeply into your belly (like a baby) for a few moments
  6. Calmly state the request for guidance or discuss the area of your life within which you have a concern. You are approaching a loving Mother who cares deeply about your concerns and values that you wish to acknowledge her. Even if you had no loving earthly mother, know that this mother is your true Mother - the Mother of ALL.
  7. Go to sleep - Again recall that the Divine Feminine operates from your right brain and the seat of your subconscious. You must put the conscious to sleep, to allow the guidance to flow into and through your subconscious which is connected to Source - Divine Light.

Well, that's it basically. I may or may not receive a dream or experience but when I get up later, I simply know what I have to do. I then do it. You may think this is obvious but repeatedly asking for guidance and then not following the received guidance is cheating yourself. It shows that you don't trust the guidance received and you may find your life heading down a path of confusion because in truth you are confused.

How Do I Know the Communication Received is From the Sacred Feminine?

Very simple - it's always bathed in love, light and grace. The Sacred Feminine's truest essence is to restore and nurture.

Any other communication is coming from your own ego or a dark part of you that needs to be resolved.

Love, Light & Blessings
Elizabeth Energy

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