Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Woman on Woman Crime – An Effect of the Absent Sacred Feminine

‘Treat others as you would like to be treated’ could not have been a simpler expressed truth and yet human relationships, even among people who supposedly love and respect each other, are made excruciatingly complex with the addition of totally unnecessary drama. Women, in particular, are known to add a lot of drama to their relationships. Whether it is female co-workers, mothers and daughters (and yes the ever infamous mother-in-law and daughter-in-law dynamic) or whether it be total strangers such as women standing in line at a grocery – women have an uncanny ability to provide pull-a-bag-of-popcorn, stop-and-stare, reality-soap-opera type entertainment to their peers and passers-by.

Why Do Women Seem to Hate Each Other

Psychologist Cassandra George Sturges had this to say on the topic of ‘Why Women Hate Other Women’:

 Women compete indirectly with other women because they have not learned how to recognize and channel their internal desires, feelings and goals into physical, tangible realities. Once women learn that they cannot control or live vicariously through their children or the man in their life; they will stop hating each other and focus on their individual unique gifts, talents and assets."

Truthfully, this is a topic that has been explored several times over in various psychological articles. The general reasons that are offered fall into one or several of the following main categories:

·         Self hatred – From the time we were little girls society made it known that we were to look and behave a certain way simply because we were girls. While beauty which first begins within and then shines outward is a truly endearing quality of the Feminine, a male dominated society has placed an unwarranted amount of emphasis on outward beauty. Little girls who feel incapable to fulfil these societal demands soon learn to resent themselves and there are many who says that therein lies the root for self-hatred in many women. Even women who appear outwardly attractive struggle with the issues of self-hatred because in many cases they were not taught to see any value in themselves apart from their physical beauty and a need to always hold on to the ‘little’ value they perceive in themselves inevitably leads to self loathing

·         Competitiveness – Women, it is projected, feel a need to compete for male attention and approval. In a world where the majority of leaders in various spheres of society are men and where women in some regions are still deprived of basic human rights, the need to satisfy or attain the approval of men is well established on both a conscious and subconscious level. Again because men are visual, women deemed more physically attractive can sometimes feel superior which adds to the competitive spirit. Many of the conflicts fought between women which do not openly seem related to beauty are actually based on the unspoken “Oh she thinks she is more beautiful than me!” syndrome

·         Expiration Date Phenomenon – Again society has made women think that they are only useful while they are young and beautiful and so women develop a fear of growing old, fearing that they will be replaced by another younger woman. This then leads to conflicts between older and younger women. Typically mothers of beloved sons, see their daughters-in –law as competition, taking away the one guaranteed and seemingly unwavering form of male approval and admiration that she had up until that time.

·         Hormonal Imbalances which lead to Emotional Imbalances – A grave misunderstanding of woman’s monthly hormonal cycles, especially among women, means that women do not know how to appreciate the different phases of their cycle. [NOTE: All women are affected by a monthly hormonal cycle, whether they menstruate or not]. In fact the very act of bleeding, which represents the ability of humanity to continue its existence at the moment, is treated as an unfortunate and shameful exercise that must be quietly endured.  Lacking the proper education, women don’t even know how to nourish their bodies throughout the month to prepare for the ovulation and mensuration phases.  The knowledge of the huge magnificent task the female body undergoes every month is understated and so very little emphasis is placed on how a woman should treat her body before, during and after the great act of ovulation.  Instead women attempt to make plans for themselves and their days based on the schedules of men whose cycle is entirely different. Unfortunately many women feel that to be equal to men is to be the same as men. The truth is to be equal with men really means to be as equally honoured as men, not by our ability to be like them but rather in being respected for our distinct femininity.

How Knowledge of the Sacred Feminine Can Help

All the reasons offered above can be succinctly counteracted with a growing awareness and embracing of the Sacred Feminine. A woman who understands and embraces her Sacred Feminine, and who knows that she is a goddess in training here on earth, will have the following qualities:

·         Self-love (to counteract Self Hatred) – This lovely goddess knows that she is more than a body and that her worth is therefore more than what the physical eye can see. Having been properly groomed to honour her divine qualities and gifts, she needs no one to define her worth for her and she attracts those who can similarly embrace and honour  her worth

·         Deep Awareness of Connection to All (to counteract competitiveness) – which allows her to see beyond the constructs of the ego. It is the ego which introduces separateness and therefore competition but from a young age a little goddess is taught to see that we are all connected. It is therefore not beneficial to hurt another for to do so is to inevitably harm one’s self.

·         Knowledge of the Various Feminine Archetypes (to counteract the fear of having an expiry date)– which allows women to embrace her many different archetype personalities and to understand that different archetypes take precedence at different stages of her life. There is no limited prime time for the earthly goddess but rather a shift in focus or responsibilities with the passage of time. Time is not seen as an enemy but a tool that assists her along her path of spiritual ascension.  [More information on the Feminine Archetypes is provided below.]

·         Knowledge of the Hormonal Cycle and its Relationship to the Moon Cycle (to counteract perceived Hormonal Imbalances) – Equipped with a proper understanding of her cycle and its relationship to the Moon, women can more effectively plan the activities for the month so that they work synergistically with their bodies’ rhythms and energies. They learn how to appropriately nourish their bodies and increase their intake of fluids so that they do not experience negative fallouts from their changing hormone production. They also learn to understand what is required of them for each phase of their cycle and which archetype and skill set is strongest during the different cycle phases. [More information on the Feminine Archetypes is provided below.]

Awareness of the Sacred Feminine is the Best Defense against Bullying


One of the major weapons that women use against women is something professionally termed relational aggression. Relational aggression, also known as covert bullying is a form of aggression where harm is done to a victim through sabotaging or affecting their relationships or social status. Imagine for a second though, a goddess, in full connection with her intuition, being targeted by a bully. She understands intuitively the fears of her oppressor and the bystanders who contribute to relational aggression by doing nothing. Instead of using her knowledge to harm them however, she employs love to diffuse their fears and walks with her head held high as she knows that in truth, nothing can be taken away from her. She is magnetic and it is only a matter of time before people are drawn to her and because she is wise, she uses her magnetism to uplift others.

MORE INFO on The Divine Feminine Archetypes: this is quite sufficiently addressed and explained in many different places on the Internet but this particular website does a really lovely job of explaining this:
Love, Light & Blessings
Elizabeth Energy

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