Saturday, 30 May 2015

I Am a Goddess in Training

Does that bother you?

You know I've been writing this blog and sharing my insights. I usually test what I want to present against Love and Truth but I realize that my idea of truth may  inadvertently offend some people and I want to lovingly address this.

For example, I believe I am a goddess in training. I must be trained because I lived my whole life believing a lie and a lot of my conditioning\programming has to be changed so that I can walk in the awareness of being a co-creator with Mother-Father GOD. It has been shown to me that I have always created my experiences unconsciously, and now I wish to do so consciously. It is not always easy but I have to be patient with myself.

To me, this is the most awesome news I have ever received and it is already transforming my life. I know now, that I can do much greater good in the world, and be of more service to others with this important knowledge.

However, some people may have a problem with what I am saying. They may see me as puffed up and even sacrilegious. It's funny because my big brother - Jesus - had to experience the exact same thing. Look here -
30 I and the Father are one.”
31 Again his Jewish opponents picked up stones to stone him, 32 but Jesus said to them, “I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?”
33 “We are not stoning you for any good work,” they replied, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.”
34 Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods”’[d]? 35 If he called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God came—and Scripture cannot be set aside 36 what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’? - John 10: 30 - 36, NIV

It's awfully ironic how people have no problem calling themselves a child of God and don't realize that the statement means that they are claiming to be One with God.

Before Jesus left the earth, he prayed a prayer which I personally hold a lot dearer than even the very infamous Lord's prayer. The full prayer may be found in John 17 but here is one poignant verse from it:

21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. - John 17:21, KJV 

The Sacred Feminine & The Divine Masculine

Beloved, we are gods and goddesses and it is time that we walk into the full responsibility of such a title. We have a responsibility to our dear precious Mother Earth, the physical manifestation of the Goddess who sustains our very existence. 

In one vision that I had, I saw myself going through a tunnel which went into the center of the earth and amazingly, I felt as though it was actually happening within my own self. In this way Sacred Mother attempted to share an important insight to me but I won't get into that now.

The Sacred Feminine brings an awareness of the Goddess - the feminine aspect of God - who resides in us all, sitting in the right side of our brains and allowing us to comprehend the big picture. The Divine Masculine - the male aspect of God - represented by the left side of our brain - allows us to process information sequentially and helps us apply logic. Christ consciousness is the ultimate goal though and it is birthed when we are able to unify the Divine Masculine and the Sacred Feminine firstly within ourselves.
We cannot throw away logic and reasoning but it must be sifted by unconditional love and the knowledge of our oneness.

GOD in the creative aspect of GOD chose to represent GOD's own nature in humanity and thus we have men and women. In the same way that women have a sacred responsibility to represent the divinity of the Feminine, so too do men have a responsibility to the Divine Masculine. 

For a long time, the Sacred Feminine has remained dormant as patriarchy ruled our society but the re-emergence is not only imminent, it is already happening. The cries against deforestation are rising and are being heard, slowly but surely. People are taking to social media to vent and speak out against savage crimes and other ills towards humanity. Sensitivity to the plight of animals is rising and people are showing more and more that they do care and that the might is not always right. 
People are giving way to more love and are opening up their hearts to more intuitive guidance. This - is the work of the Sacred Feminine. 

As Laura Eisenhower says - 'the Sacred Feminine is an essence' and this essence has long
been needed. If the Sacred Feminine may be likened to an essence, the Divine Masculine may be likened to structure and the two must mate. 

My blog is primarily focused on women, but men may glean a message for them as well.

Wake up to who you are. Acknowledge and embrace your divinity, allow for the mating of the Divine Feminine and Masculine and give way to the birthing of Christ consciousness within yourself. In this way you contribute to the ripple effect that is sure to crescendo across the planet and the collective planetary consciousness so that we may experience heaven on earth.

Love, light & Blessings,
Elizabeth Energy

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

The Art of Graciously Walking Away

You have made up your mind. You are walking away from this relationship. It’s either abusive or oppressive – it is not allowing you to grow. In one way or the other, it is toxic to you and your soul. You know you deserve better and you want better but you are also on a true spiritual path and so the ‘how you walk away’ is important to you. 
As much as you want to ascertain yourself and your independence, you want the way you walk away to be reflective of your highest ideals and beliefs in yourself. You want to walk away graciously. Here is how you do it.

Acknowledge The Love – The fact that you are reading this article means that love existed at one time or the other and that's why you care about how you walk away. A lot of people believe hate and hostility are the necessary vehicles one must use when walking away from a bad relationship. While it is necessary to feel angry and hurt, you don't have to feel hate to walk away. In fact, it is a whole lot more empowering to acknowledge your love for this person for it means that your decision is actually rooted in a more objective place.

When you spend a lot of energy bitterly hating someone who has hurt you, only to realise that you still love this person, the effect can actually be quite damning for you. You see all those negative energies that you created can actually turn around and manifest as feelings of guilt and shame when you are forced to confront the truth that you still do love this person. This is the boomerang effect.

You need to understand something – You don’t need to stop loving someone to walk away from them. Walking away does not mean the love has ended, it just means that you have chosen to love yourself better.

Be Angry, Hurt & Disappointed – When you accept that you do or did love and care for this person, it opens the way for you to truly feel your pain. This is necessary. Feel the anger and the hurt. Acknowledge the fact that this person has disappointed you. If you want to journal your feelings, go ahead. If you want to vent to a friend – go ahead. 
Some words of caution for the friend you chose to vent to though – make sure this person is trustworthy and won’t betray your confidence. It is also really advisable to select someone who is a good listener. As you vent, you don’t need this person constantly interrupting to put in her ‘two cents’, as we say here in the Caribbean, which means that their own failed relationships and even their thoughts about your ex are not welcome at this time. You are venting. You are feeling your pain.

Stay Away from Public Broadcasts – Put another way – leave your business off social media! Or as we say in the gorgeous Caribbean – don’t air your dirty laundry in public! That pic of the girl flipping off the camera carrying the caption “I’m So Glad I left your Sorry A$$” does not need to become your new profile picture nor do those words need to become your new status update! 
You also don’t need to be telling everyone you meet why your relationship failed and all the wrong things your ex did. If asked, you can politely admit that yes you guys are over but you really don’t want to get caught up in mudslinging or discussing it. If you are direct, people will respect your boundaries. In fact, they may even feel embarrassed for asking, so if it is someone whose friendship you do value, you can further tell them that your feelings are just too raw at the moment and that’s why you don’t wish to discuss.

Even if your ex is maligning your name; you still owe it to yourself to be more mature and gracious. Such immaturity is expected of little teenagers or persons who are still emotionally undeveloped. This reflects more on your ex than it does on you. Your friends and peers, who are right now giving him an ear, will see through this eventually and if they are that gullible to believe every word he says, then trust me, you should not care about their opinion!

Forgive Them For They Know Not What They Do – the idea of forgiveness often times rubs people the wrong way. Forgiving someone does not mean excusing their hurtful words or actions. The mere fact that you have chosen to walk away, already signals to the Universe and to yourself that you will no longer tolerate their behaviour and that you have already embraced the fact that you deserve better. 

You need to realize that this person was operating from their own limited knowledge of highest truth. People who hurt you actually do this because they think it is beneficial to them. They say hurtful things or betray you because that is how they steal energy when they are running low on energy. I discuss this at length here The Energy Exchange In Emotional Abuse and it is applicable to other abusive relationships as well.

These people have not yet discovered a way to tap into the Source of life to refuel. They feel bad about themselves and so they make you feel bad about yourself. You however, have an opportunity to work from the highest knowledge you have of yourself. Once you have acknowledged your pain – and only you will know how long you need to do this – it is to your highest good to then release this individual. That is what forgiveness is all about – releasing them so that they do not continue to be toxic to your aura even after you left them.

Reflect & Be Grateful – You should be able to reflect on the good qualities of this relationship and this individual and be thankful for them. Don't go around saying everything about this person was bad and evil only to then have a quiet moment where you recall something wonderful they did for you. Again the boomerang effect comes into play and all the negative energies you were pushing towards them will turn around and act upon you as guilt and shame. 
Even if you truly believe there was nothing positive about your experience with this individual, you can at least be grateful for the important lessons learnt. You see you are leaving because you have come to better appreciate what you want and what you don’t want in a relationship. You should also spend some time reflecting on what attracted you to this person and how this experience is going to shape what you look for in another relationship. 

Don’t spend too much time beating up yourself for your past decisions, instead acknowledge that you have grown and are hopefully in a better place to make better decisions. You are a lot stronger than you think – and this is something that you could always be grateful for.

Practice Kindness – Now I stand to lose a lot of people here, but if you reached this far in the article, please stay with me till the end. I am not asking you to become a ‘bobolee’ – that’s a Caribbean term for someone who allows people to take advantage of them. I am certainly not condoning that you continue to help your ex with his loans and bill payments long after you have gone. When we understand soul contracts which is quite sufficiently explored by Danielle Mackinnon in her book, we realize that there are some people you need to walk away from so that their soul can learn a valuable lesson. If you walk away from them but are still a crutch to them, then not only are you allowing yourself to be used but you are also not serving the highest good of this person’s soul. 

The kindness I speak of in this point rather refers to your ability to be gracious while respecting your boundaries. For example, if your ex is an excellent and professional artist and you know someone looking for the kind of art work that he can deliver, by all means refer him!
Don’t refer him because you feel guilty about leaving him and are now worrying about how he is paying his bills! Refer him because you truly believe he can provide what this potential client is looking for. Remember, you are not obligated to worry about this person you have walked away from. Worry and guilt are low vibrating frequencies. However in a scenario such as this, it would actually be dishonest to say you don’t know a suitable artist and again you don’t want to energetically be aligned to such negative frequencies.

If you can leave someone and still be kind towards them, then it means that you have truly grown and are in a much better place to move onto a next relationship if you so choose.

Choosing to graciously walk away from a toxic relationship, as it is explained here, will not only give you peace of mind but it also sends a powerful signal to the Universe that you have grown and that you don’t need a repeat lesson! Ever wondered why some people keep attracting the same kind of abusive relationships despite setting intentions for good partners? Well what we signal to the Universe attracts more of those experiences and people that will reinforce the signal we are transmitting. So victims, with victim mindsets are transmitting “I am a victim, I always get a raw deal no matter how hard I try!” Guess what? They will always attract oppressors and abusers to reinforce those signals. It sounds harsh, but it is true. That's your power as a god or goddess - you create your life and you can choose to either do so consciously or unconsciously.

So, make a conscious decision to walk away graciously and tell the Universe "I have had some bad experiences but I have learnt from them and I am now a better person and I am now more connected to my true nature of love and light." If you continue to live in these higher vibrations, sure enough more of the really good stuff –in every area of your life -  will come your way!

Love, Light and Blessings
Elizabeth Energy

Monday, 18 May 2015

Getting In Touch With Your Inner Goddess

Ladies, your Goddess is your Higher Self expressed in all its feminine glory. All the great Masters who have walked the earth have come bearing a message that many thought to be sacrilegious. That's because when they said that we were 'children of GOD', they were actually telling us that we are made up of the stuff that GOD is made up of - we are divine.

You may not always feel this way or even act this way but it does not change the fact that you are children of the Most High GOD - the ONE who transcends all.
"I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the Most High GOD." - Psalm 82:16, KJV
And it is true - the apple does not fall far from the tree. We may forget who we are and act out of ignorance but it does not take much for you to get in touch with your true nature.

Getting In Touch

1. Spend time in Nature
"Looking at beauty in the world, is the first step of purifying the mind." - Amit Ray, Meditation: Insights and Inspirations 
Get outdoors and appreciate the beauty of a tree or the organized effectiveness of an ant colony. See the beauty and magnificence of GOD in nature and you begin to appreciate this beauty and magnificence in yourself. 
Spend time gazing up at the sky and know that there is some greater purpose to life on earth for are told in Psalm 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of GOD..."
"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." - Albert Einstein 

Sit Quietly and Breathe - Learn to shut out external influences. Take off the TV, the tablet and your cell phone. Sit quietly and pay attention to your breath - it's the one thing that connects you to your body and by paying attention to it you begin to appreciate that the real 'you' is not your body. You somehow begin to appreciate that your body is nothing more than a cloak that you are wearing in this life. 
To truly master the art of divine breathing, spend some time observing the way babies and toddlers breathe. They breathe into their bellies and if you watch them closely especially while they sleep, you will see this. 
As you inhale, consciously send your breath into your tummy and you would find that as you relax into the practice, that the breath actually fills both your tummy and your chest because the breath sent into the tummy actually rises and fills the chest cavity as well. 
When you exhale, pull your tummy towards your spine, forcing the air slowly out of your nostrils. 
This is what I call the Love Breath and this is actually how you breath into your Heart Chakra. However in a specific heart chakra meditation you also employ visualizations such as seeing a sphere of light emanating from your heart and encompassing your body. Even without the visualization though, you can still turn this act of breathing into a powerful meditation by entertaining thoughts of loved ones or pleasant experiences while you breathe quietly.
"There is one way of breathing that is shameful and constricted. Then there's another way: a breath of love that takes you all the way to infinity." - Rumi 

3. Be Thankful - Expressing gratitude to something bigger than yourself shows that you acknowledge the existence of Divine Source. Acknowledging a Divine Source of all life, starts opening you up to accepting that you came from this Divine Source and therefore must be divine as well! The more you look for things to be thankful about, the more they manifest and this in turn reinforces your connection with the Divine.
"Let us be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little. And if we didn't learnt a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so let us all be thankful." - Buddha
 There is always something to be thankful about. 

4. Spend Time Loving Your Body
- Gently lotion your body after a bath and just revel in the beautiful sensations of your hands on your body and how beautiful your body is. If you get a little turned on - who cares? You are alive - you were given a body so that you could enjoy sensation. Let those beautiful sensations wash over you and the power of this - is that you don't need to be thinking of anyone in particular. 
In fact, to make this a really sacred experience, hold onto thoughts of love and good during this sensual experience for therein is a powerful little secret of how we can manifest by harnessing the beauty of sexual energy - and no, I am no advocate for group orgies or any such perverted folly. And any guru trading enlightenment for sex is a fraud! Your body is sacred.
There is great beauty and mutual benefit in the sexual union that may be experienced in a loving and committed relationship but here I am simply dealing with being able to enjoy your own wonderful body. 
"Know you not that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, which is in you..." 1 Cor 6:19-20
5. Operate from Love or Above - Certain temperaments have certain frequencies attached to them. Love, Joy, Gratitude and Peace have the highest vibrating frequencies. Choosing love does not mean that you have to walk around smiling and saying 'Namaste' to everyone! (- although it does not hurt to smile as I'll explain below). 
It means that when someone hurts you, you choose to see that they are operating from the best knowledge they have of themselves and you too have a choice in how you respond, to act from the best knowledge you have of yourself.
When you start filtering your decisions through the screen of love, you actually empower yourself. So for example, you have been repeatedly betrayed by someone and you can't trust them. Highest love will allow you to forgive this individual and even wish them well while yet firmly walking away from their toxicity. You never know, your decision to first love yourself and then love them in such a pure manner may just be one of the interactions that their soul needs along its own path of evolution.

6. Smile A Lot - The gift of a smile can just brighten someone's day when they need it. It generates positive feelings within yourself and is a great way to give good energy to others in a manner that will not deplete your own energy. Truth be told - if you do the techniques already discussed above, you would find that you naturally begin to smile a lot more! It's an outward expression of what is happening within.

You can actually use smiling to raise your internal vibrations. Well, smiling combined with a couple of the techniques actually. This is one of the ways that you can 'hack' your consciousness!

Turning Around Your Feelings With Conscious Love Breathing, Gratitude and Smiling

Try this the next time you are feeling low - 
  • close your eyes 
  • take a couple love breaths
  • find something to be grateful about and 
  • smile with your eyes still closed. 

Even if the smile feels fake at first, you may find yourself laughing at yourself for faking it! Then the real smile comes and just bathes you in its genuine warmth. 

I absolutely love this photograph. I love the natural, no make-up look of the model and the way the sun just seems to be smiling on her beautiful smiling face. Can't you see her inner goddess? This lovely photograph is courtesy and the artist's bio on her blog says that she just wants to bring a little more joy to the world. Isn't that awesome?

7. Listen to Music & Dance - Music speaks to the soul and that is why so many people resonate so powerfully with this form of expression. Dancing helps you to appreciate your body and your own uniqueness because the way you move and jiggle is all your own. 

Even if someone tries to mimic you, they can never get into your head to know what inspired you to move your hands or waist in the way you did. In fact, chances are you may not even know because it came from a place deep within. 

That is the power of the Sacred Feminine. 

If you can really embrace this, you will discover that dancing is also a powerful form of meditation. You only really, truly dance when you reach the point of letting go and just going with the flow. Even professional dancers will tell you, their best performances happen when they lose themselves to the music and trust their months of training to be so firmly rooted in them that they don't need to think about where they place their feet!

These techniques are simple but effective. I really wrote this from a place of love and I hope you feel it.

Give yourself a challenge of practising these techniques little by little until they become a part of you. Even if it feels unnatural at first - I know a lot of people struggle with the whole smiling thing -  just gently remind yourself that society spent a lot of time and resources trying to ensure that you forget who you truly are. You can't counteract the work of years in one day! 

Keep at it. You deserve to meet your true Self. Your persistence will pay off.

Love, Light and Blessings
Elizabeth Energy

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Woman on Woman Crime – An Effect of the Absent Sacred Feminine

‘Treat others as you would like to be treated’ could not have been a simpler expressed truth and yet human relationships, even among people who supposedly love and respect each other, are made excruciatingly complex with the addition of totally unnecessary drama. Women, in particular, are known to add a lot of drama to their relationships. Whether it is female co-workers, mothers and daughters (and yes the ever infamous mother-in-law and daughter-in-law dynamic) or whether it be total strangers such as women standing in line at a grocery – women have an uncanny ability to provide pull-a-bag-of-popcorn, stop-and-stare, reality-soap-opera type entertainment to their peers and passers-by.

Why Do Women Seem to Hate Each Other

Psychologist Cassandra George Sturges had this to say on the topic of ‘Why Women Hate Other Women’:

 Women compete indirectly with other women because they have not learned how to recognize and channel their internal desires, feelings and goals into physical, tangible realities. Once women learn that they cannot control or live vicariously through their children or the man in their life; they will stop hating each other and focus on their individual unique gifts, talents and assets."

Truthfully, this is a topic that has been explored several times over in various psychological articles. The general reasons that are offered fall into one or several of the following main categories:

·         Self hatred – From the time we were little girls society made it known that we were to look and behave a certain way simply because we were girls. While beauty which first begins within and then shines outward is a truly endearing quality of the Feminine, a male dominated society has placed an unwarranted amount of emphasis on outward beauty. Little girls who feel incapable to fulfil these societal demands soon learn to resent themselves and there are many who says that therein lies the root for self-hatred in many women. Even women who appear outwardly attractive struggle with the issues of self-hatred because in many cases they were not taught to see any value in themselves apart from their physical beauty and a need to always hold on to the ‘little’ value they perceive in themselves inevitably leads to self loathing

·         Competitiveness – Women, it is projected, feel a need to compete for male attention and approval. In a world where the majority of leaders in various spheres of society are men and where women in some regions are still deprived of basic human rights, the need to satisfy or attain the approval of men is well established on both a conscious and subconscious level. Again because men are visual, women deemed more physically attractive can sometimes feel superior which adds to the competitive spirit. Many of the conflicts fought between women which do not openly seem related to beauty are actually based on the unspoken “Oh she thinks she is more beautiful than me!” syndrome

·         Expiration Date Phenomenon – Again society has made women think that they are only useful while they are young and beautiful and so women develop a fear of growing old, fearing that they will be replaced by another younger woman. This then leads to conflicts between older and younger women. Typically mothers of beloved sons, see their daughters-in –law as competition, taking away the one guaranteed and seemingly unwavering form of male approval and admiration that she had up until that time.

·         Hormonal Imbalances which lead to Emotional Imbalances – A grave misunderstanding of woman’s monthly hormonal cycles, especially among women, means that women do not know how to appreciate the different phases of their cycle. [NOTE: All women are affected by a monthly hormonal cycle, whether they menstruate or not]. In fact the very act of bleeding, which represents the ability of humanity to continue its existence at the moment, is treated as an unfortunate and shameful exercise that must be quietly endured.  Lacking the proper education, women don’t even know how to nourish their bodies throughout the month to prepare for the ovulation and mensuration phases.  The knowledge of the huge magnificent task the female body undergoes every month is understated and so very little emphasis is placed on how a woman should treat her body before, during and after the great act of ovulation.  Instead women attempt to make plans for themselves and their days based on the schedules of men whose cycle is entirely different. Unfortunately many women feel that to be equal to men is to be the same as men. The truth is to be equal with men really means to be as equally honoured as men, not by our ability to be like them but rather in being respected for our distinct femininity.

How Knowledge of the Sacred Feminine Can Help

All the reasons offered above can be succinctly counteracted with a growing awareness and embracing of the Sacred Feminine. A woman who understands and embraces her Sacred Feminine, and who knows that she is a goddess in training here on earth, will have the following qualities:

·         Self-love (to counteract Self Hatred) – This lovely goddess knows that she is more than a body and that her worth is therefore more than what the physical eye can see. Having been properly groomed to honour her divine qualities and gifts, she needs no one to define her worth for her and she attracts those who can similarly embrace and honour  her worth

·         Deep Awareness of Connection to All (to counteract competitiveness) – which allows her to see beyond the constructs of the ego. It is the ego which introduces separateness and therefore competition but from a young age a little goddess is taught to see that we are all connected. It is therefore not beneficial to hurt another for to do so is to inevitably harm one’s self.

·         Knowledge of the Various Feminine Archetypes (to counteract the fear of having an expiry date)– which allows women to embrace her many different archetype personalities and to understand that different archetypes take precedence at different stages of her life. There is no limited prime time for the earthly goddess but rather a shift in focus or responsibilities with the passage of time. Time is not seen as an enemy but a tool that assists her along her path of spiritual ascension.  [More information on the Feminine Archetypes is provided below.]

·         Knowledge of the Hormonal Cycle and its Relationship to the Moon Cycle (to counteract perceived Hormonal Imbalances) – Equipped with a proper understanding of her cycle and its relationship to the Moon, women can more effectively plan the activities for the month so that they work synergistically with their bodies’ rhythms and energies. They learn how to appropriately nourish their bodies and increase their intake of fluids so that they do not experience negative fallouts from their changing hormone production. They also learn to understand what is required of them for each phase of their cycle and which archetype and skill set is strongest during the different cycle phases. [More information on the Feminine Archetypes is provided below.]

Awareness of the Sacred Feminine is the Best Defense against Bullying


One of the major weapons that women use against women is something professionally termed relational aggression. Relational aggression, also known as covert bullying is a form of aggression where harm is done to a victim through sabotaging or affecting their relationships or social status. Imagine for a second though, a goddess, in full connection with her intuition, being targeted by a bully. She understands intuitively the fears of her oppressor and the bystanders who contribute to relational aggression by doing nothing. Instead of using her knowledge to harm them however, she employs love to diffuse their fears and walks with her head held high as she knows that in truth, nothing can be taken away from her. She is magnetic and it is only a matter of time before people are drawn to her and because she is wise, she uses her magnetism to uplift others.

MORE INFO on The Divine Feminine Archetypes: this is quite sufficiently addressed and explained in many different places on the Internet but this particular website does a really lovely job of explaining this:
Love, Light & Blessings
Elizabeth Energy

Sunday, 10 May 2015

How to Call on the Sacred Feminine

Today is Mother's Day in the year 2015. I got up this morning and wrote in my journal. I had a beautiful day yesterday. It was a day kissed by GOD.
It was a perfect day and yet I was alone this morning...but not lonely.  I woke early and spent some time in quiet meditation and then I went back to sleep but not before requesting communication with the Sacred Feminine.

While I slept I was blessed to receive inspiration and clear guidance on how to proceed with a challenging situation. Indeed the message has not changed - I am to stay the course of love. I was instructed some time back to release something (that I still very much want) and now it seems that I am to further confirm this action by pursuing a course that will put me in direct opposition to the very thing that I still very much want!

It may seem that pursuing spirituality calls you to deny yourself but as you vibrate higher, you recognize that there is nothing to be desired. It is already yours for the taking. Trust, however is required of us as we approach this understanding so that it moves from being a truth you only acknowledge in a theoretical sense to being a truth that you know from experience.

Image Courtesy:

The Sacred Feminine resides in all of mankind - man or woman. Anyone can call on the Sacred Feminine which is the feminine aspect of God. In fact many people feel more comfortable approaching the feminine aspect of God because they were culturally introduced to the Goddess or because they simply feel more comfortable calling on Mother as opposed to Father.
In the truest, most absolute sense - GOD does not really care. GOD is neither male nor female. GOD embodies all.

Steps I Use to Call on the Sacred Feminine

Please note that these are not hard set. You can devise your own means but I do recommend using some sort of yoga goddess pose (there are many) as GOD has created sacred geometry and many forms have deep spiritual significance that transcends the normal physical level of understanding.

  1. Firstly acknowledge that you only desire to communicate with 100% Divine Light and that only 100% Divine Light is to enter your fields and personal space.[Serious NOTE: Try to release your fears, if you have them, before entering this meditation or any other meditation. It is too easy for your fears to surface and manifest and give you a terrible scare. They do this so that you can know to release them. Fear nothing. LOVE is the only truth but we live in Maya - the great illusion which is the true Devil of mankind. Evil comes out of Maya but to those who live and walk in the Light, no harm can come to you.
     Yet in all things exercise wisdom. A foolish man once said that he wished to prove that our reality was an illusion and so he threw himself off a cliff and died. Of course GOD could have saved him but this man operated from his ego and not true Light. So to sum up this serious note - yes evil exists but as we grow in Love and Light, we realize that it can be transcended.]
  2. Express your desire to communicate with the Sacred Feminine. Mother GOD can and does communicate  with us at any time but when you make a specific request, you are telling your ego and conscious mind which operates from the left brain that you wish for this communication to happen. The intention opens the door between the left and right brain for the Divine Feminine sits and operates from the right brain.
  3. Assume the goddess pose or if you feel more comfortable, you may kneel or simply lie down comfortable. If you don't feel comfortable using a particular pose then skip the next step. For those who feel comfortable using the goddess pose, you may want to support your knees with cushions to prevent undue strain if you are not sufficiently flexible.
    Image Courtesy:

  4. For those who will use the goddess pose, you may then place your two hands on your womb, palms facing down. Allow the two fore fingers and two thumbs to touch each other making a triangular space in between the  palms
  5. Breathe deeply into your belly (like a baby) for a few moments
  6. Calmly state the request for guidance or discuss the area of your life within which you have a concern. You are approaching a loving Mother who cares deeply about your concerns and values that you wish to acknowledge her. Even if you had no loving earthly mother, know that this mother is your true Mother - the Mother of ALL.
  7. Go to sleep - Again recall that the Divine Feminine operates from your right brain and the seat of your subconscious. You must put the conscious to sleep, to allow the guidance to flow into and through your subconscious which is connected to Source - Divine Light.

Well, that's it basically. I may or may not receive a dream or experience but when I get up later, I simply know what I have to do. I then do it. You may think this is obvious but repeatedly asking for guidance and then not following the received guidance is cheating yourself. It shows that you don't trust the guidance received and you may find your life heading down a path of confusion because in truth you are confused.

How Do I Know the Communication Received is From the Sacred Feminine?

Very simple - it's always bathed in love, light and grace. The Sacred Feminine's truest essence is to restore and nurture.

Any other communication is coming from your own ego or a dark part of you that needs to be resolved.

Love, Light & Blessings
Elizabeth Energy

Friday, 8 May 2015

The Awakening - Rising Above the Waters of Unconsciouness

Walking on Water

A few years ago I was meditating on the life of Jesus Christ and in particular upon the narrative that is told in the gospels where Jesus walked on water. The story is recorded in
several places in the Bible (John 6: 16 - 21; Mark 6: 45- 52 and Matthew 14:22-33) but I particularly like the accounts in Mark and Matthew which allude to Jesus wanting to spend some time alone and so therefore sending the disciples on ahead of him in a boat. When he was finished with his alone time, he simply stepped out onto the waters and approached the boat which was, by now, some distance from land.

Image courtesy:

While meditating, I started praying and asking God for faith to walk on water. I was very sincere in this request and I would even visualize myself walking on water. I repeated this meditation for a while and then I forgot about it.
From time to time I would have some pretty extraordinary dreams complete with full 'sensory' perceptions. Two pretty recurrent themes for me are flying and water.
One dream that made a significant impression on me included me walking around the bottom of a pool. I eventually started rising up above the surface of the water and when I looked to my right, within the dream, I saw a woman looking remarkably like me but yet she was more captivating than me. I got the distinct impression that she was me or at least represented my Higher Self - the perfect version of me. Her hair was long and flowing (there is nothing wrong with short hair but for some reason hair length is a symbol which reoccurs in some of my dreams -even up to last night), and her skin was a beautiful dark brown complexion - much darker than mine (I am of African decent). She was wearing a long flowing pure white garment that contrasted beautifully against her skin and it billowed out from her as though she was being carried by the wind itself. Her eyes were a magnetic coal black and carried a depth to them which said that she fully knew who she was and her authority. She was standing at the top of a stair case and she was actually under attack although the calm demeanour of her face did not convey any sort of despair. She had a large spear in her hand and she was deftly keeping the 'enemies' at bay so that they could not draw close to her. Despite being outnumbered, she was clearly victorious. She then started floating down the stairs and I believe she was coming to meet me but the dream ended.
Then at the start of August 2014 I had another water dream but this time I was in a large cruise liner that was completely submerged in the ocean. Everyone, including me, were breathing fine and it was if no one really suspected that being under water was in itself abnormal. Then I started to rise up above the waters and when I looked around, at first all I could see was the large expanse of ocean reaching out to the horizon. Then I noticed a few other people who were at the surface and they were playing and laughing and I wondered what they were doing up here and why everyone else was submerged.

Water A Symbol of Spirit that has Become Unconscious...

 "Water is the commonest symbol for the unconscious." - C. G. Jung
 I found myself thinking about these two dreams this morning when it occurred to me that the water in both dreams represented unconsciousness or the state of unconsciousness and that rising up above the waters represented becoming awake. I know I am going through an awakening and this was shown to me in several ways but I wanted to know if anyone else made this link between water and unconsciousness. So I came online and found the Carl Jung quote above.
Carl Jung is a noted psychotherapist and psychiatrist who lived from 1875 to 1961 and whose work is widely held to be the foundation of what we call analytical psychology today. He was a prolific writer whose work delved deeply into philosophy, literature and religious studies. Apparently Jung had done a lot of research in ancient texts on the symbolism of water and deduced that it represented the unconscious.
According to this website called Scientific Dream Interpretation, which expands on the Jungian concept, the 'spirit becomes water when the dreamer doesn't believe in the spiritual life'. That is to say that lack of awareness of the spirituality of life makes the spirit more dense. The site also explains that a large quantity of water means lack of faith and belief only in materialism and shows that the dreamer doubts the existence of another dimension.

(Funny thing is that recently I also found myself thinking of the flood. could the great deluge actually represent the time when we first began forgetting who we were....)
'Be careful what you wish for...'
Coincidentally, not too long after my dream in August 2014, my life literally shattered around me. My views and perceptions of my life and spirituality were toppled over as I dealt with what I could only call the unconscious emotional abuse of one who I had loved dearly. In fact, upon realising how unconscious this individual actually was and had always been, I started to realise that I too had also been unconscious for a long time. Unconscious people are not inherently evil. In fact our true nature is love and light. Living in the delusion of Maya makes us succumb to evil but as we begin to awaken, we are often drawn to vibrate on higher frequency thoughts and ways of living. 
What I used to call a good life was nothing more than a poor excuse of an existence within which I dealt with personal unhappiness and dissatisfaction in every area of my life. Furthermore I actually thought that existing like this was normal.

I was happy in dysfunction.
The decisions that I came to in the following months caused people to question not only my sanity but my spirituality and in all fairness to them, for the person that I had been all along, my behaviour was now shocking at best. To many it appears as though I am dismantling my life but for me, it feels like I am recreating my life and that I am now doing so consciously.
I am now beginning to walk on water.
On that morning in August 2014, when I arose I immediately felt drawn to this beautiful song from the Australian music band, Hillsong United and it is a song that I have repeatedly find myself drawn or led to. I believe the author of this song was inspired and I do hope that it inspires you.
Love, Light and Blessings
Elizabeth Energy

Thursday, 7 May 2015

The Energy Exchange Which Occurs in Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is typically invisible to most people including the abuse victims themselves. In fact while victims of emotional abuse may be aware of feeling sad, upset or lack lustre, they may not truly know why they feel this way. Adding onto this the fact that emotional abusers are often times quite charming and endearing personalities, and you begin to understand how emotional abuse is often quite hard to detect.

Understanding the Energy Exchange of Emotional Abuse

You are energy. Beyond your organs, blood and water which makes up 70% of your body, are the chemicals and molecules and atoms. The core components of atoms are very minute particles which when keenly observed are nothing more than highly vibrating pockets of energy. Some people intuitively understand that we are energy but may refer to this as spirit. While it can be argued that energy and spirit are one and the same, in this blog series we will view spirit as an attribute of energy which may be positive or negative but energy itself is neutral.

Understanding that you are energy and that energy is the essence of who you are will help you to understand the interactions that occur between abusers and victims. All abusers are thieves. Have you ever understood the term ‘steal my joy’? Well abusers are out to do just that! However they don’t want to just steal your joy, although that may be a consequence of what they do. No, they want to steal your energy. Abusers are people who typically always feel low in energy (and I don’t mean physical energy) and they don’t know how to top up on this energy from Source and refuel themselves through positive and healthy practices. So they do the next best thing – they steal it from you.

Imagine this very subtle but real example of emotional abuse. You and your husband have to go out to a special function in a few days. You know that he sometimes questions your choice of clothing and so you are quite preoccupied with trying to find the perfect dress – the one that will make him look at you approvingly. You believe you found such a dress in your wardrobe, a pretty little number that you have not worn in years but which is practically still brand new as you only wore it once before. You are particularly drawn to it because you remember how much he raved about it, the one time you wore it years ago, and you really hope to get the same response from him. You put it on and you look at yourself appreciatively. You look fantastic despite having a kid or two. In fact the few additional pounds have all settled into the right places and it looks like you are now properly filling out the dress as it snugly holds your shapely body in a tasteful manner.
Finally on the night of the event, you put on the dress and wait for your husband’s verdict. He is upset with his boss and since the event is work related, he is in an especially grumpy mood. He looks at you and for a moment there is a very pregnant pause. In that moment, you start doubting yourself - you’re not as thin as when you first bought the dress and maybe you look silly instead of sexy!

So there you are biting your bottom lip and awaiting the end of his inspection and of course he senses your self-doubt. Finally he says –
‘So you know that I have this really important company dinner and you could not even make the time to buy a new dress? Is that old dress the best thing you could have chosen to wear? Don’t you know how important it is for me to make a good impression to my co-workers or is it your plan to embarrass me? Besides that dress is for a thinner person! It’s fitting you too snug! Have you forgotten that you are a mother?’
You go and change your clothes, and even though you take only a few minutes to get into another dress, you have to hear him fuss some more because now you are making him late! By the time, you reach to the dinner, you would notice though that his mood has brightened up considerably and as you walk through the entry doors of the event your husband is in full show mode and is every bit the charming and pleasant conversationalist that you first met and fell in love with. He may even whisper an apology into your ears and tell you that he did not mean to hurt your feelings; he just needed to tell you the truth. He may even go so far as to promise to take you shopping to get you a whole new wardrobe. This no doubt, will perk you up as you thank your lucky stars that you have such an amazing husband. You start looking forward to your shopping expedition with the manner he recently demeaned you all forgotten.

Reviewing the Exchange of Energy in the Example Above

1.       Your husband\abuser does not feel good about their self. Maybe they feel wronged by someone or maybe they are dealing with long repressed emotions or trauma from their childhood but consequently their energy is low.
2.       They need to feel good about their self and they need energy. In the scenario above, the husband may have even tried to pick a fight at work (emotional abusers are often very charming in the interview phase and upon first meeting them. After a while, their colleagues tend to drift away from them as their true negative behaviours begin to surface with time.) The people who work with this guy however don’t feel a need to feed him the energy he so desperately needs and so he comes home in a bad mood.
3.       You are there waiting for his approval on the dress you have carefully selected. As a victim, you are very codependent and your need to have his approval only serves to advertise to him that your energy is available for stealing. It’s like leaving your car unlocked and unattended in a rough neighbourhood – you are basically begging someone to steal it from you!
4.       When he delivers his hurtful words to you, the desired effect is obtained. The moment you feel as though the wind has been knocked out of you is the moment the energy leaves your body. Some of us are sensitive enough to feel a pit or drop in our stomach. The solar plexus chakra is located there and that is the seat of your confidence and that’s why we actually feel a drop in energy there. Your face appears to fall and you look downcast because our energy level is easily reflected on our faces.
5.       With the desired effect obtain, your abuser actually feels a boost in his moral. He may continue to chide and deride you, feeding on your energy until he feels sufficiently topped up.
6.       In public settings it is important to him that you look and reflect how he feels because he sees you as an extension of him. (Note: We are truly all ONE but in LOVE. We are all extensions of God the Father – the God of LOVE. Codependents don’t see you as an extension of their Higher, True Self but of their lower energetic self which is not healthy!) So once you are in public, he wants you to brighten up. If you look all sad and sour that may reflect negatively on him and so he says something nice to you and may even apologize. Truthfully abusers don’t really need a public setting to turn around and play Mr. Nice Guy. Once their energy feels high, they don’t like it if you are feeling low around them and so they will try to perk you up so that you now match the high they are on. This is particularly true of narcissistic abusers and this very quality makes them highly unsympathetic and unable to relate to you when you are having a genuine low spell or are dealing with some grief. This up and down nature of relationships with emotional abuse however, is also what makes the abuse quite insidious and particularly toxic.
7.       You feel happy but for all the wrong reasons. The apology offered was not really an apology. When he told you sorry for hurting your feelings but he just had to tell the truth what he really said is “It’s too bad your feelings got hurt because I’m such an honest guy!” In this ‘apology’ he never acknowledges that he should not have said what he said. In fact he vindicates himself!
8.       You are looking forward to a shopping excursion with your darling controlling hubby and reaffirming to him and yourself what he has already stated – that you don’t know how to dress yourself and that he needs to be there to help you choose your own clothes. In giving in to his subtle control, you are further guaranteeing to him the continuous supply of your glorious divine energies. You are not holding any to yourself. You are willingly giving them over to him on a platter.

You my wonderful, divine sister are not operating in the fullness of your God given goddess nature. Spending time watching your thoughts, being mindful, meditating, praying, singing, dancing and any activity that makes you reconnect to your soul allows the goddess within you to awaken.  Communing with the Eternal Mother-Father-Creator-GOD helps you to remember who you really are. Your energy is sacred to you. Don’t give it up so easily. The next time your abusive partner says something hurtful to you, take a deep breath and ask yourself three questions in this order:
Is this statement of me true?
Was it necessary for him to say this to me?
Could he have expressed the same thing to me in a nicer way?
These three questions are three gates and only those words which were first filtered through love can pass through all three gates. From the moment one of these gates refuses to open, dismiss the statement and simply tell your partner “I hear you but I don’t wish to receive what you are saying into my spirit.” You then walk away with your energy, leaving his energy tank on empty.
Do not engage in lengthy conversation or arguing for getting you worked up and angry is another way your energy gets stolen.

You are waking up and that is why you are here. You may falter and succumb to your abuser’s tactics despite reading this but don’t beat yourself up. It takes time to un-learn unhealthy practices. The simple act of becoming more aware of how energy works in abusive relationships is the first step to better managing and protecting your energies. Actually awareness is the key to awakening.
You would notice the first time you effectively hold onto your energy instead of giving it away, your abuser may be confused. They may even try harder to steal your energy by saying something even more hurtful. Do not rejoice outwardly (as this may aggravate the situation) but rejoice in your heart, knowing that you have successfully deflected their plans to ‘steal your joy’.

Like Esperanza you need to sing "I'm not gonna waste my precious divine energy, trying to explain and feeling ashamed of things you think are wrong with me." Enjoy the music of this beautiful, divine sister in her performance below.

Love, light and blessings
Elizabeth Energy       

 “I’m not gonna waste my precious, divine energy, trying to explain and feeling ashamed of things you think are wrong with me.” - Precious by Esperanza Spalding