I don't know - it's like some days I feel like I'm on the verge of something totally mind blowing and awesome and on other days I'm on the verge of depression and despair. Sounds a lot like bi-polar disorder except I know why I break down when I do.
Here is why I experience the dark side:
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Photo courtesy: https://www.flickr.com/photos/fosforix/2708147364 |
- It's a very lonely road - it feels like no one is interested in what I'm now interested in - consciousness, spirituality, divine feminine, ascension. I have to actively seek out groups and communities online and while this is somewhat comforting, the people within arm's reach are the ones I really want to be able to connect with
- I've had to give up some friendships along the way - One of the things that happens when you start 'awakening' is that you realize how very toxic some people are. If you're not strong enough to hold a high vibration in their presence, you may find that you just naturally drift away from them as you seek more activities and company that nourishes your soul. Also too, they may simply be interested in harmful activities that you no longer enjoy so you drift away because you no longer have anything in common.
- Doubt is never far away - Sometimes you find yourself wishing you could go back to sleep. Feelings of nostalgia plague you and you find yourself wishing in part that things could go back to the way they were because you miss your old relationships and way of life.
- You're anxious to know the truth about reality- (I don't really battle with this but I know a lot of people do so I stuck it in) Even within the awakening community there are different perceptions about our reality. For some it includes reptilian aliens, the Illuminati and a plot that resembles the Matrix movie line and for others it's the eternal battle between Jesus and Satan and still others say - there is only love and evil is unreal. Personally I've always had an experience with Father God and Jesus and I am now developing a relationship with the Sacred Mother\Goddess (which many say has simply been represented by the Holy Spirit in the Holy Trinity). I believe that in essence, the full GOD head is truly ONE and is analogous to LOVE and that we are all extensions of GOD. I don't really bother about all the fear based theories out there since fear is the opposing force to love.
- Being anxious to know the direction of my life - Now this is one I struggle with. I was given some instructions a while ago which I faithfully followed. I started this blog, check! Started back to sing, check! And I'm pursuing energy work studies, check! However somewhere along the line, I expected something else to happen. You know, something...big. Instead, it just feels like I'm marking time and waiting. I don't really like waiting- I'm fired up now and I want the consciousness revolution to happen right now in a big way across the planet!
How I Overcome It...as recently as yesterday!
- I....cry - I have learnt over the years of being on this planet that crying is very therapeutic. I don't break down and cry every day or even every week but if I have been dealing with a lot and I feel a good cry coming on - I let it happen
- I seek out inspirational reading - Whether it be other souls further along in their awakening journey, or some other person with something uplifting to say - I seek these people out, visit their blogs, like them on Facebook, follow them on Google+. I know that the dark night of the soul is a real phenomenon and that it is an essential part of the soul's evolution but reading what these people have to share gives me great encouragement.
- I reach out to a trusted friend - I let them know that I'm not having a good day and I allow them to encourage me. I extend help to a lot of people and I can't be too proud to receive help from a friend in my time of need
- I get out into nature - Always an awesome spirit booster and I am blessed to live in the tropical bliss of the Caribbean:) Also many times when we feel overwhelmed, we need to check to see if we have been grounding ourselves.
- I meditate and go to sleep, in that order! - This right here is always effective. Anxiety means that my mind is way too active for its own good. Meditation helps me to still my thoughts and return to Source where an abundance of peace awaits me and helps me with developing patience and trust in GOD.
- I find someone to help or encourage - It's a proven fact that helping someone else is the biggest depression buster ever. Don't believe me? Try it the next time, you feel low. You're switching the signals that you emit from very low to very high and powerful anytime you choose to help or bless someone.
- I find something to be grateful for - Even on my low days I can find something to thank GOD for. I even thank GOD for the work being done in me to bring me into the awareness of who I rightfully am which includes going through this low period!

In fact as I said earlier, I had a low spell yesterday and I found myself asking GOD "How do you want me to grow and stretch from this experience?"
I must admit, I am slowly turning into an optimist - so I find that I am naturally looking to see the rainbow behind the cloud.

I look at my smaller circle of close friendships and I acknowledge that it may have decreased in size but it has increased in value!
So guys, I hope this blog entry will help you if you find yourself experiencing the lows. Let's just say that I know from experience, that the recommended activities really do help!
Love, light and blessings,
Elizabeth Energy
Thank you for sharing this. It's a simple and very effective way to go through dark periods, and it explains very well how even though we have to go through it alone, we don't really have to do it all alone and can still offer the best of ourselves to others. I love it.