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The doctors may have cut the umbilical cord which connected you to your baby but an invisible cord forever extends from your womb to your baby. Have you ever heard a mother tell you that she knew her child was in distress because she felt it in her tummy area?
Sometimes, because we are so disconnected from our wombs and poorly educated about our wombs, we may mix up signals that originate from the womb with the stomach region. However it is true - you are connected to your child in a way that a man can never understand. For approximately nine months, you felt those little (or big) flutters, kicks, flops, punches and you and your baby bonded in a way that can best be described as mystical.
When your little baby came into the world, the connection became more intuitive and even though it may have been frustrating at times (especially when they woke you every two hours!) the fact remains that if you could tune into your blessed feminine intuition you will understand your child in a special and unique way.
A Personal Story - You Be Love
A couple weeks ago my son was ill and in quite a lot of distress. I had carried him to the doctor several times, tried medication, tried natural remedies - I even tried the energy in my hands. Nothing seemed to soothe him. As far as my hands were concerned, even if I held them a few inches from his body and tried to send him energy on intention he would sense what I was doing (even with his head facing the next direction) and move my hands. I was trying to cure him - with the medication, remedies and energy - but that was not what he needed. Blessed little soul that he is, God was using him to communicate a very important lesson to me.One night when he woke me up with his poor little sobs, I got frustrated. I was like "Really God! Mother God - Father God - anyone! You call yourself a God of love and yet you will see this poor little child in misery and not help him?"
The response was immediate
"You call yourself goddess - YOU be LOVE to him."
I was taken aback and in that moment of pause, my son stopped crying - almost as it were to bring the point home to me. I obeyed and put aside my frustration - which no doubt was being picked up by my sensitive child and just patiently held him and let him know that I was there to just hold him and love him. I also let him know that it did not matter how many times he needed to get up - I would always be there, to lovingly and patiently hold him.
You know what - he did get up a few times again, but somehow he was able to quietly communicate to me in my sleep that he was up and every time I was able to automatically wake up and comfort him.
God communicated a powerful lesson to me that night. God is moving beyond the physical - God is concerned with healing at the level of the soul.
The next day my son was more than 90% recovered and I just continued giving him what he needed from me - love.
Dear Mothers - you have a special authority given to you from God. Don't ever underestimate it or deny it!
Since that experience, I have noted a shift in my relationship with my child. It's as if our connection has gone deeper because it has. I truly love the truths God is revealing to me and I hope you could take something from this post that will help you.
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Learn to listen to your intuition and trust God. Trust love.
Love, Light and Blessings
Elizabeth Energy
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