Monday, 23 November 2015

Wings Signal Work!

Wow! We had some pretty intense energies over the last few months and 2015 is certainly living up to all of its predicted hype! Energy sensitive individuals and empaths took a beating emotionally, mentally, physically, financially - ok look! We took a beating on all sides and we still are dealing with some turbulences!
However - all in all - there is a general feeling that things are changing for the better.....because they are!

Sometime around August this year, the energies changed and took on a more grounding vibe. In the earlier months there was a surge in creativity and inspiration and many were engulfed with dreams and visions and generally speaking there was a lot of excitement mixed with fear as change was an important theme at that time. It was a season of transformation which I called the cocoon phase. But then August and the last Super Moon of September 28 came and the energies, which felt more masculine in nature, helped us to balance our euphoria with some logical reality checks.

 Now, equipped with the vision, yet grounded by a balanced perspective - we have entered the season of wings.
Many empaths, including myself, saw butterflies in our visions and dreams or felt particularly drawn to butterflies and that's because wings were distributed in the spiritual realm which means that it is now our time to fly and our time to work.

There is no question that the butterfly's beauty lies within its wings. They allow the butterfly to fly and are often visually appealing.
Yet there is a lot more to a butterfly than its wings. 

Butterflies, fluttering from flower to flower, are doing more than just flying around looking pretty!

They are busy at work, ensuring that one of life's most important processes - that of pollination, takes place.

So yes - it feels awesome to have wings but the mere fact that you have been so endowed means that you have work to do! I can't tell you what your work need to know that for yourself. 

To the rest of us, let's flap those wings and get to work!