Saturday, 15 August 2015

Stay Calm - Positive Energy Needed!

Ok guys - this one is short! The energies are all over the place this week and I've barely had a chance to catch a breath. Not to mention the amount of things that seem to be happening specifically to get me irritated and upset!

However I had to remind myself to breathe. I had to remind myself to stay calm. I had to shut it all down and go into my quiet place and tap into the Eternal Source of All and find my center and ground.

Then this morning - oh my word  - visions and dreams with so many messages and all of them so potent. I'll just divulge one...


So there I am running and yes of course someone is behind me. This is very much a recurring dream that I've been having for years. However just last week I programmed myself to have a different response to this dream - different to the one I usually have. I told myself last week that I won't run and that I will face my pursuer.
So here I am running, heart pounding, noise of my pursuer behind me - thoughts of demons and other dreadful things threatening to fill my mind when (and guys THIS IS THE POWER OF THE LEFT BRAIN - this is what you are supposed to use lefty to do!) it comes back to me that I had said that I won't run again.

So I stopped.

Just to give you a bit of my history with lucid dreams - as a person who has been lucid dreaming for most of my life, I have well mastered the art of changing my dreams. A few years ago I decided that I will stop using that control and instead see where the dreams go. Shortly after making this decision I had a dream which to date is the scariest experience of my life and then the scary dreams significantly subsided.

Back to current dream - I stopped and I stopped with awareness!

Based on all my spiritual training and growth, I know that I can face this and that I am the one running the show in my dreams.

I then turned around and willed myself to face my pursuer and what I saw blew my mind away even within my dream.

I saw a being who was perfectly transparent and in my dream I remember thinking "this is a shadow" but yet it was not a shadow as I could see through it. Only a humanoid outline was perceptible.

The being then raised it's arm and waved at me and smiled - I sensed the smile because I truly could not discern facial features.

It then ran off along a different path from the path I was on leaving me to watch and wonder in amazement.

Guys - the lessons are tremendous. One lesson that I pulled from this experience was this:

"Many times our fears are nothing more than tools that are being used to help us grow."
 Clearly I could see that this being, who probably chased me for most of my life in my dreams, was deliberately chasing me. This "shadow" was actually serving me. Helping me to reach the point where I would summon the courage to turn around and face my fear. Once I did that - it ran off. Why? Because it's job was accomplished!

I know that I personally would not have reached this place without my practice of meditation. We all have shadow issues but the best way to deal with shadow is to turn on the light. The light here could mean many things. It could mean your conscious awareness, or your acceptance, or your ability to love yourself in spite of your flaws.

And here is the really great news - We are the children of the Light! And it's our divine birthright to constantly walk in the knowledge of this light.

Well like I said earlier - this is a short one but there's a lot to chew upon.

So - love, light and blessings everyone!


P.S - Stay positive!

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