Monday, 16 January 2017

The Restoration of the Divine Feminine Part 2

This a series of articles discussing the return of the Divine Feminine to the consciousness of both men and women. In Part 1 we discussed What Exactly is the Divine Feminine? and we continue to gather an understanding of the feminine aspect by reviewing or contrasting against the masculine aspect in this discourse today.

So is the Divine Masculine a loveless, evil, bigotted essence?

Not at all! However before we discuss the divine nature of the masculine we must understand the metaphysical meaning of masculinity. Our most recent history has been for the most part governed by left-brained thinking and hence our patriarchal society. When we understand how the masculine has manifested in the collective, we will then better appreciate the role of the feminine in the collective and why "she" is needed.

Related imageThe metaphysical masculine is housed in our left brains which is where our logical centers reside. Sequence is the building block for logic and consequently structure and so it is no wonder that a patriarchal, left-brained society would have focused on not only structuring society with laws and social organization but also would have spent a lot of time on erecting buildings and towers for our outward manifestations always follow our internal paradigms and programs.  

Just as the divine masculine is stored in the left, so too is the divine feminine stored in the right brain. For those who wish to dig deeper, you may want to check out Dr Jill Bolte Taylor a neuroanatomist who suffered a stroke in the left hemisphere of her brain and  was able to observe and later testify of how all her logical functions including basic skills like writing and speaking totally deteriorated as the ruptured blood vessel pervaded her left brain.

However to bring the discussion back to the topic of explaining the divine feminine in the collective, one interesting thing we learn from Dr Jill Bolte Taylor is that as the left side of her brain shut down, the right side of her brain became increasingly more evident to her psyche. At one point, she no longer saw people as individuals but saw everyone around her as an interconnected web of energy which, interestingly is what the latest scientific findings are showing. So, the right brain enables us to stop seeing separation and instead to perceive unity and to view things from a top down perspective, so we see the BIG picture whereas the left is what helps us to perceive details and uniqueness so that we could function within the world. While the big picture and seeing the interconnectedness of life makes us more loving, one may find that persons sitting heavily on their right brain side do not appear logical or functional in day to day happenings. So we say that they are more abstract or 'out-there' and so we also see that while the big loving picture is cool, if we want to contribute to daily living we have to be able to focus on completing specific tasks which is where the ability to perceive details and uniqueness as offered by the left brain becomes helpful.

What we need is a balance is needed between the two hemispheres in our brains on both an individual and collective scale which is what is happening now. The increase in intuitiveness, vivid dreams and visions and other clairvoyant capabilities is a due to the re-awakening of the Divine Feminine. 

At first we wanted to build something and this was good, but building upon the idea of separation eventually leads to competition and the complete absence of synergistic relations. We either bartered for what we wanted or fought and killed one another. In our wars, not only did the winners take everything but they also took the rights to how the story was told which later became enshrined as history.

The Divine Feminine returns to us lofty ideals for society and love and a yearning for more time in nature. It makes us want to be more interconnected and this does explain why divorce rates are going up and why more and more blended families will be a thing of the future. To the logical mind this would seem like a negative but eventually what will happen is that our children's perceptions of family will become more and more inclusive 

It also presents itself as a desire for senseless wars and killings to end as people become more sensitive and attuned to the fact that we are indeed all connected. 

As we spend more time in nature connecting with Gaia, she returns to us the lost sense of intuition and as this intuition returns to us she calls us further to disregard societal structures which do not support natural living. so actually the divine feminine in the current collective does quite frankly cause quite a bit of upheaval as it disrupts of long upheld beliefs which spoke of order but actually delivered disease and disharmony.
Image result for Te Fiti
It has been stated in ancient texts like the Vedas that every so often, some 26,000 years or so, we swing back and forth from a masculine to a feminine perspective of the world. However a few of us can see that this flip is different and unique for we stand at a powerful juncture where instead of flipping the energies, we can find a balance.

We need both of them. The divine masculine adds definition which is needed to appreciate the beauty of what is the divine feminine. Structure is needed as well but the structures must have a degree of flexibility and pliability to them so that they can expand and be moulded if required to support and encourage the existence of the natural environment.

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