Friday, 13 May 2016

The Restoration of the Divine Feminine Part 1

Image result for divine feminine

The divine feminine, that essence within our consciousness which was sleeping for so long is now reawakening and becoming increasingly more  aware.

But What is the Divine Feminine exactly?
Is she a person? Is she even a she? Is this something only women experience? Does this represent a new religion? Is it the revival of goddess worship?

Image result for divine feminineDo any of her proponents truly know or is this just something that angry and/or confused women find themselves gravitating towards?

Even my opening line which references the divine feminine as an essence of our consciousness draws a complete blank for some while it perfectly resonates with others.

In this post, I will try to channel more clarity. However for what it is worth, the Divine Feminine resides in all of us - men and women but for some of us it is highly dormant while in others 'she' is fully functional. Please note that even as I say 'she', I do not really mean this essence is a is an essence. Let's go further!

The Divine Feminine in Collective Consciousness

We each have an individual consciousness which is to say we each have our perceptions of reality and an awareness which governs how we interact with our environment and with others. Collectively therefore, as a town, a nation, a country, a planet - we will all have a general perception of reality and awareness which governs what we deem to be acceptable or normal. However norms and perceptions of what is normal can be different in different geographic locations and so we also have pockets of cultural consciousness. In any society there will always be those that defy their own societal norms and they are thus regarded as outcasts or persons supporting fringe philosophies.

How do we define the divine feminine in collective consciousness? Well consider this, collectively at one time in the West, we were naive and perceived our governments and leaders through rose tinted glasses. We did what they said we should do. They told us go to war and we suited up and killed our human brothers. We defended our country, religion or culture by the way of sword. Compassion for the enemy was the sign of a weakling who himself possibly needed to be eradicated less his diseased mentality affected the whole.
Then that perception fell away.... the rose tinted glass was properly shattered with the putrid stench of scandal in high office which followed government after government and we started to question the things we were asked to do.

So we marched against war and questioned military funding. We started demanding that more funds be spent on nurturing the home - health care, education, social programs we cried needed these monies more.
Love when it evolves, must of a necessity first evolve as self-love but most certainly expands outwards thereafter...after all "love your neighbour even as you love yourself" and so we started to see the children of the enemy as our children. Why are we supporting the funding of warfare and bombings that will totally demolish a village with schools and children? Why are we investing so heavily on prisons instead of spending money on the education system to help nurture young brilliant minds before they turn to a life of crime?
Million Student March Organizer Darletta Scruggs

These are the questions we want answered like Darletta Scruggs from the Million Student March schooling a Fox News anchor in an April 2016 interview. See full article here.

So we became more sensitive...more compassionate...more conscientious and this is how the Divine Feminine manifests -  unlocking rooms within our very soul's consciousness to allow us to feel more.

Does this mean that the Divine Masculine a loveless, evil, bigotted essence? 

Part 2 coming up soon!

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